EtherNet/IP(TM) is an industrial Ethernet network that combines standard Ethernet technologies
with the media-independent Common Industrial Protocol or "CIP." EtherNet/IP is one of the
leading industrial Ethernet networks in the world and is widely used in a range from industries
including factory, hybrid and process. The EtherNet/IP and CIP technologies are managed by
ODVA, Inc., a global trade and standards development organization founded in 1995 whose over
300 corporate members are the world leading automation device suppliers.
[Source: Wikipedia]
The Common Industrial Protocol (CIP) is an industrial protocol for industrial automation
applications. It is supported by ODVA.
[Source: Wikipedia]
Here OpENer was used for the EtherNet/IP stack. This example based on my previous one with
lwIP and MicroHTTP.
For the OpENer test the following board was used:
The software use the following key components:
For the compiler, CrossWorks for ARM
v2.3.5 was used. The project with my source can be found under the download section.
OpENer is an EtherNet/IP stack for I/O adapter devices. It supports multiple I/O and explicit
connections and includes objects and services for making EtherNet/IP compliant products as
defined in the ODVA specification.
Note: In order to create an EtherNet/IP compatible device you will need to execute and comply
with the ODVA Terms of Usage Agreement. For more information about becoming an EtherNet/IP vendor take
a look at the ODVA page.
You do not need to ask. I can not provide the EtherNet/IP specification. You will get these only from
the ODVA organization.
Credits goes to Alois Zoitl of fortiss
and Martin Melik-Merkumians from the Automation and Control Institute (ACIN) of the
Vienna University of Technology
who have supported me.
OpENer source: opener-master-v120_20150116 (253 KB)
OpENer patch: opener-master-v120_20150116_patch (6 KB)
Example: stm3240g-eval-chibios-lwip-opener_20150116 (1.74 MB)